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DIY Cute Monsters

Registration Form

Please complete the form to apply for our School Readiness Program. 

Is you child a current Cherub Client?

Child Details:

**If attending pre-school/day care:

Do you give us permission to contact the pre-school/day care?


Do they have an NDIS plan?
Is the plan:

N.B: We are unable to accept NDIA-managed participants at this time.


Does your child have any allergies or asthma?



Language / Communication:

How does your child communicate?

Is your child...
Can your child do the following without prompting?



Self Care:

Can your child:

Level of Support Needs:

The program cost and organisation is based on a 1:3 adult to child ratio. Do you think your child will need a higher level of support need?

N.B Please note a higher ratio of support will change the cost of the program. We will contact you once we assess the information you have provided to discuss the levels of support further. The final level pf support will be reflected in your service agreement. Upon commencement of the program if the level of support needs to change we will contact you to discuss further.



Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch soon!

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